The Queen's Gurkha Engineers Association
Become a Member
Membership of the The Queen’s Gurkha Engineers Association is open to anyone who is serving with QGE or has served with QGE in the past. This includes the youngest Sapper in the most recent Training Party through to the buro ex soldiers that served in 67 Field Squadron in the early 1950s.
There are two main forms of membership, Full Membership and Associate Membership. If you are not sure you want to commit to paying to become a full member, you can now sign up as an Associate Member for free.
Full Members (£100 one off fee) are eligible to:
Attend Association functions and meetings. Some events may be for a specific group of members in which case they will be by invitation only.
Access on-line resources and benefit from the Association’s network, collective knowledge and contacts.
Receive QGE Journal.
Vote at meetings of the Association.
Subject to the rules of the Gurkha Brigade Association (GBA), receive all the privileges of membership of the GBA including the opportunity to apply for Membership of The Oriental Club with most favoured status
Associate Members (Free) are eligible to:
Attend Association functions and meetings, the charges for which may be set at a rate that is higher than that charged to Full and Honorary Members.
Purchase copies of the Regimental Magazine.
Access on-line resources and benefit from the Association’s network, collective knowledge and contacts.
To join either as an Associate Member (Free) or a Full Member (£100), please download the application form and then email it to the Association Secretary at qgeasec@gmail.com.
Oriental Club Membership
Currently, GBA Members enjoy most favoured status with the Oriental Club, and as members of the QGEA, we are also granted this status. The Oriental Club was established only nine years after Gurkha Soldiers began serving The British Crown, and since 1824 and has been an iconic Central London focal point for those who have lived, worked or travelled in the East. Due to the connections of the Brigade of Gurkhas with the far East over the last two hundred years, we are eligible to be considered for membership. Today, a diverse membership of the Club values the modern amenities of Stratford House, situated yards from Bond Street Underground Station in the heart of London, and the attentive service offered by the Club’s Staff. www.orientalclub.org.uk
For more details see the file.